I tried drama in high school. I'm pretty dramatic, but when it comes to acting in front of an audience.. I croak. I'm the loud kid in front of familiar people, but when I get around a group of people I've never met or barely know I shut down and become a totally different person.
I tried piano when I was growing up and quickly lost interest. I took guitar lessons while in high school and realized I have no sense of rhythm. That would explain why I sucked at the trumpet in middle school and junior high.
I always thought I was a pretty artsy person. I tried art in high school. I sucked. Plain and simple. I can draw stick people sitting on a bench next to the ocean with a tree and the sunshine. That's about it. Basic or DYI step-by-step instructions.
I was never very good in school. If I was graded on my loud mouth or my social skills, I would have done a lot better. I was always the kid that got the comment on their progress report about how I should basically shut my mouth during class. It got me in a lot of trouble growing up. Almost every report card I would get the same speech from my dad. "Megan, your grades will stick with you forever. Not all of your friends will." It was always hard for me to put school work before my social life.
When I started taking pictures I felt like I didn't even have to try. Some people feel that way about acting, art, music or tests. I feel this way about photography. I honestly feel like I could point the camera at the ugliest thing and somehow make it look beautiful. I'm usually not so conceited as I sound right now, I promise. It's hard for me to say that I know I'm good at something. I haven't decided if I found out what it is earlier or later than most people. It took me several years (even after my Taylor Swift picture was published) to decide that I'm good at what I do. I still have SO much learning to do, but it's something that I like teaching myself rather than someone else teaching me. I can finally say I'm proud of myself and how far I've come with my photography.
You can view my photography on my Flickr by clicking HERE. Or to the left on my blog at anytime. :)
In 2006 I had a point and shoot Pentax. I was obsessed with photography. I had never even used a camera with a detachable lens.
In 2007 I learned I loved to shoot bands the most. I love the lights and the fans I can capture in photographs. I love everything about photographing bands doing their thing. Maybe it's because I secretly want to be famous. Maybe it's because I tried the whole music thing and have a different kind of respect for them. Who knows.
In 2008 my Pentax broke and I got my first point and shoot Cannon. It was pretty cool.
In December 2009 I got my Nikon D60 for Christmas. My first professional camera. I would photograph anything and everything. I finally started using it to capture beautiful people. I finally learned how to edit, but not the good kind of editing. I was a total N00B and used Picnik ALOT. I'm actually embarrassed by how terrible some of my editing turned out. I'm embarrassed that I thought I had to do alot of editing to cover up stuff. There is so much beauty in photographs that are totally unedited, to me. You can only use photoshop so much before your picture starts to look FAKE. and who likes a fake?
2009 ^I'm also embarrassed by my logo in the corner. Seriously? Peace?
In August 2009 I got my second lens. I mainly use it for Thunder basketball games and concerts. This was the first picture I took with it:
In 2010 my first photograph was published in a major magazine. Most of you should know US Weekly. They came out with a Special Edition Taylor Swift magazine and my picture was a spread towards the beginning of the magazine. This is when I fell in love with my flickr account. If I wouldn't of had my picture posted then the lady from US Weekly would never have messaged me. I would have never gotten published and wouldn't have been compensated. It was a major milestone in my photography career.
In 2011 I really started photographing people more. I dragged Taylor around on several photoshoots. I don't think she hated it. Also, it helped me get a little bossy. In the beginning of a shoot it's hard for me to boss someone around and tell them to pose a certain way. After a couple pictures of them not doing what I'm imagining I start to get strict on exactly how they pose. :)
Brings me to 2012. My variety of people I photograph is growing. This flashback amazes me with how far I've come. I was once just a 17 year old with a camera. I had no idea what was in store for me. I've grown, but still have alot more to accomplish.
If you've stuck it out this long and read my whole post, I applaud you. No, seriously. Thank you. I'm moving forward with my photography and want to someday call this my career. I've been thinking of names for a business for a year now, so if you have any ideas... SHOOT them my way.
get it? eh? eh?
okay, I'll stop wasting your time now.