
Live life. No regrets.

Take chances.
You're going to get fired and you're going to get a new job. It'll happen again and you'll get another job.
You're going to fall in love and get hurt. You'll love again AND get hurt again.
You'll lose friends and gain even better ones. After all, the ones you lost obviously weren't great friends to begin with. If they were, life will bring you together again.
Death is the worst thing I can even imagine. It's going to take the ones you love. The ones you thought would be alive forever. You'll be fine, because they're watching over you. Love them while they're here with you.
You'll make mistakes. Go ahead and make them. You'll learn.
Take lots of pictures and make a ton of memories.
You're going to change your major, drop out, go back and change your major again. It cost you, but you learned.
Run. You'll love it and make friends you'll keep forever.
High school is high school. Enjoy it. The real world honestly isn't like that at all.
Don't let "your mama" jokes hurt you. They don't mean it.
Take risks and learn to have no regrets.
Moms right, everything DOES happen for a reason.
You're going to love animals. They love you when no one else does. No matter what you've done to them.
Your dad is going to push you out into the world. Thank him for it. You probably wouldn't have moved out and learned more about yourself.
You're going to find out what you're good at. Don't let it go. You'll love it. You were born for this.

If I would have told myself all these things when I was young then I wouldn't have grown up as innocent as I did. I wouldn't have gotten hurt. I wouldn't have lived life. I wouldn't have found myself.

It's pretty great how I lost a friendship because I'm so "immature" (sarcasm).
I've found myself. I know who I want to be and what I want to do for the rest of my life. I don't rely on my family for every dime. For that I'm so thankful for my dad and how he raised me. But, that's another post in itself.


laughing gas doesn't make you laugh

I went to the dentist today. I really have never been a big fan. I got some laughing gas, but my mouth has been numb half the day and sore the other half. When I was little I was an avid sweet eater and a terrible brusher. Scratch that, i'm still an avid sweet eater and am only a little bit better at brushing my teeth mainly because I'm terrified my teeth will turn out crooked and disgusting. The funny thing is i'm typing this with rice krispies treats and fruit roll-ups sitting next to me. welp. so. theres that. Also, *notedx2* laughing gas does NOT make you laugh. It does make things easier, but the name is so deceiving.


Out with the old

In with the new.
Thanks for reminding me I had this, bestfriend! :)
Debating on if I should remove all of the old posts or not. Kind of embarrassing/depressing.