Find a grip and catch ahold of it. I'm about to let you know exactly how I feel if I see one more hateful status about a stranger you don't even know.
I find it absolutely disgusting that a human can judge a particular family and complain about their life on a Facebook status. Especially when this girl doesn't even know these people.
This is when it hit me. Stop judging others. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do my fair share of judging. I don't, however, post it for the public on a social networking site. I try to keep my judging to myself and my close friends.
Everyone you run into is facing something you know NOTHING about. Everyone has personal problems that they keep personal for a reason. Just because you see a mom with two pregnant teenage girls doesn't mean you know their story. Keep your thoughts to yourself. You have no idea what kind of family situation they live in and, honestly, it's none of your business. Stop judging everyone else's problems and go work on your own. Honey, you aren't perfect. No one is.
You claim to be Christian. Read the Bible and let me know if your Savior judged and publicly humiliated innocent families.
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